Table 4

Relation between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) genotype and plasma homocysteine, mean/median (P25, P75)

MTHFR4-150nHcysweek 0nHcys week 52p value
04013.6/13.9 (11.8, 15.7)3115.1/14.2 (12.9, 19.1)<0.05
15314.6/14.6 (12.2, 17.0)4418.4/18.3 (14.5, 23.0)<0.05
21019.6/17.7 (14.4, 24.5)919.4/21.0 (17.7, 23.3)>0.05
p value§ <0.05, 2v 1 and 0<0.05, 2 and 1v 0
  • 4-150 0: no mutation, 1: heterozygous, 2: homozygous for the C677T mutation. Homocysteine. intra-group comparison: baselinev week 52. §inter-group comparison.