Table 1

Comparison of demographic details of cases (knee pain positive) and controls (knee pain negative) with the corresponding total population from postal survey. Means and standard deviations are quoted. Physical functions scores are derived from the SF-36 Health Status Questionnaire

Knee pain positiveKnee pain negative
CasesTotal populationControlsTotal population
Age61.4 (10.8)61.0 (11.2)56.8 (10.6)58.5 (11.4)61.3 (10.8)60.5 (10.7)55.3 (10.2)55.6 (11.0)
Body mass index27.6 (3.9)27.6 (5.6)26.5 (3.7)27.0 (5.3)26.2 (3.5)25.3 (3.8)25.7 (3.3)24.8 (3.9)
Physical function score52.5 (28.2)52.6 (24.7)63.4 (31.1)56.6 (29.6)76.7 (26.7)80.2 (20.8)82.2 (24.9)81.1 (23.2)