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AB1236-HPR Connection between functional ability and socio-demographic data in patients with ra in slovenia
  1. M Pavic Nikolic,
  2. S Kosir Jost
  1. Department of Rheumatology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Background Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common chronic inflammatory arthritis, characterized by progressive, destructive course when left untreated, resulting in severe patient disability and significantly reduced quality of life. RA has an important impact on work ability and economic status of patients.

Objectives In our study we were focused on specific consequences of arthritis in terms of functional ability and we were looking for correlation with socio-demographic data.

Methods The study was conducted between January 2016 and May 2016 at the Department of Rheumatology, UMC Ljubljana and included patients with RA. Data were collected using Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2 (AIMS2) questionnaire.

Results One hundred RA patients (76% women, mean age (SD) of 61.1±15.29 years) participated in the study. Disease duration was ± 5. 6 year. Most of our patients were married, retired with elementary education and lower incomes (Table1).

Table 1.

Socio-demographic status of respondents

Respondents of our study described their functional ability good by the average of the entire sample 2.06. This value shows us a relatively good functional ability of patients most days or very often. Patients had some problems with function of hand and wrist in particular by opening jars (43%) and on area walking and bending with intensive activity (42%). Correlation between functional ability and socio-demographic data show us some statistical deviance in age group 41 to 50 year (p=0.94), in patients with higher education level (p=0.99) and in group of patients who monthly earns more then 900€ (p=0.96). But we didn't find any statistically significant difference in the entire sample including patients treated with biological drugs (functional ability patients on biologics p=0.91).

Conclusions We found fairly good functional ability of patients; which might be explained by relatively short duration of RA. The most important functional-related issues from patient perspective were identified. Despite that we not find a statistically significant relationship between socio-demographic data and functional ability of patients, it is very important that we pay attention on socially unprivileged patients and we offer our support in managing disease.

Disclosure of Interest None declared

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