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AB0748 Hyperuricemia in psoriatic arthritis: a new look as a risk factor for cardiovascular events
  1. DS Bublikov
  1. Altay State Medical University, Barnaul, Russian Federation


Background According to various authors, the prevalence of hyperuricemia in patients with psoriatic arthritis constitutes up to 35% of the total patient population. Thus, seronegative spondylarthritis patients, as it is known, possess a higher incidence of cardiovascular mortality than the population in general, in particular due to life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias.

Objectives To study the effect of hyperuricemia on the development of ventricular extrasystole in patients with psoriatic arthritis and the interrelation of uric acid levels and gradation of ventricular extrasystole.

Methods The study involved patients with psoriatic arthritis, confirmed by CASPAR criteria (2006), n=59. The average age – 57.15±12.11 years. All patients underwent the study of myocardial contractility and treadmill test. Inclusion criteria - the presence of psoriatic arthritis for the period of at least one year, uric acid levels over 360 mkmol/L for women and more than 420 mkmol/L for men. The exclusion criteria included the presence of coronary heart disease, myocardial contractility disorders and decreased ejection fraction according to Simpson less than 55%. For all patients was recorded Holter ECG for the period of 24 hours on an outpatient basis. The level of uric acid was measured by means of the standard method of biochemical analyzer.

Results The prevalence of ventricular extrasystole in patients with psoriatic arthritis and grading are shown in Table 1.

Moreover, there has been discovered a direct correlation of medium strength between the uric acid levels and frequency and Lown-Wolf gradation of ventricular extrasystole (Table 1).

Table 1

Conclusions 1. Hyperuricemia in patients with psoriatic arthritis by exclusion of cardiogenic causes of cardiac extrasystole is an independent risk factor for ventricular extrasystole.

2. The level of hyperuricemia correlates directly with the Lown-Wolf gradation of ventricular extrasystole.

Disclosure of Interest None declared

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