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AB0345 Psychiatric disorders related to hyperleptinemia and rheumatoid arthritis clinical activity measured by das28
  1. M Vázquez-Del Mercado1,2,
  2. A-M Rodrígez-Ramírez2,
  3. E Chavarria-Avila2,
  4. F Sandoval-García2,
  5. B-T Martin-Marquez2,
  6. R-E Navarro-Hernandez2,
  7. F Corona-Meraz2,
  8. E Gomez-Bañuelos2
  1. 1Servicio de Reumatología, Divisiόn de Medicina Interna, Pnpc 004086, CONACYT, Hospital Civil Juan I. Menchaca
  2. 2Instituto de Invesgitaciόn en Reumatología y del Sistema Musculoesquelético, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico


Background Leptin is an adipose-derived hormone with a role in depression related to chronic stress, anxiety and pain disorders, disturbs with a high prevalence in RA patients. In previous studies, it has been demonstrated the role of leptin in the pathogenesis of RA, in particular, its association with anti-CCP. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychiatric disorders risk related to serum soluble leptin (sLep) levels with clinical activity in RA patients.

Objectives To evaluate the association between psychiatric disorders and serum leptin (sLep) levels and RA disease activity

Methods 76 outpatients diagnosed with RA (ACR1987/ ACR/ EULAR2010) were evaluated with clinical, laboratory and image assessment. Disease activity was measured using DAS28 CRP, the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Plus (M. I. N. I. Plus) was used for the psychiatric evaluation. sLep levels were measured by ELISA method.

Results sLep levels were significantly higher in RA patients M.I.N.I. plus (+) (P<0.001). DAS28 CRP score was significantly higher in patients with a present psychiatric disorder (P=0.006) with an odds ratio of 1.6 ([1.04–2.46] P=0.03) for present psychiatric comorbidity. After adjustment with age and years of RA diagnosis, the odds ratio increased to 1.72 ([1.08–2.73] P=0.02). Also, DAS28 CRP had a moderate correlation with the number of psychiatric diagnosis present, past and for lifetime (r=0.485, P<0.001, IC95% [0.99–0.636]).

Conclusions sLep levels and DAS28-CRP were associated with symptoms of depression, such as anxiety and pain disorder in RA patients.

Disclosure of Interest None declared

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