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SAT0462 Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Osteoarthritis Treatment
  1. L. Smolina,
  2. L. Khimion
  1. Department of Family Medicine, National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiyv, Ukraine


Background The results of the PRP use in knee OA treatment are discussed ib the article.

Objectives To study the efficacy and safety of the PRP use in early stages of the knee OA.

Methods The study was conducted at the Department of Family Medicine of the NMA of Postgraduate Education (Kyiv, Ukraine) and included 68 patients with diagnosed knee OA (I-II radiological stages).The patients with severe co-morbidities,trauma or after knee surgery were not included at the study.68 patients (27 men (39.7%) and 41 women (60.3%), mean age 41,3±1,2 years) were divided into 2 groups.Gr.1 included 34 patients who consented to receive standard OA treatment and 3 intra-articular injections of PRP (total volume 24–30ml,mean platelets number 869,24±32,1x109/μl)weekly;gr.2 consisted of 34 patients of comparable age with the same diagnosis who received only standard OA treatment.The CRP-level,WOMAC scale and Lequesne index was analyzed before treatment and in 1,3,6,12 months after course of treatment in both groups.

Results CRP level was modestly abnormal in the 43,5% patients of group 1 and 38,7% patients of group 2; during the treatment period CRP got to normal in all patients, but during the follow-up period-after 6 and 12 months of treatment in the study group it was significantly lower (6,44±0,52) and (4,34±0,22) mg/L, than in the control group (7,96±0,60) and (6,72±0,51)mg/L (p<0,005). In addition in 5 patients of group 2 CRP level had increased again after 6 months which was the sign of OA exacerbation.WOMAC and Lequesne index had positive dynamic during treatment in both groups.At month 12 functional status of the patients in gr.1 improved by 33% in stiffness,pain during movement and after passing the distance decreased after treatment by 38.5% in gr.1,pain and discomfort when climbing and descending the stairs decreased by 38.9%. At the end of follow up period patients functional activity increased by 47.4% in gr.1 which was better then positive changes in gr.2 and was accompanied by a significant reduction of restrictions in daily activities.There were no adverse events due to use of PRP injections in gr.1.

Conclusions The course of 3 intra-artricular injections added to the standard treatment of knee OA improves functional activity,reduces pain and probably can prolong remission in patients with the early stages of disease.The further long-term studies are needed with ultrasound/MRI monitoring of the articular cartilage to obtain more accurate information and determine the most effective methods of PRP use in OA treatment.

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Disclosure of Interest None declared

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