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PARE0007 Target to Treat: to Know IT for Sharing and Promoting It
  1. U. Viora1,
  2. G. Voltan2
  3. on behalf of ANMAR Italy
  1. 1ANMAR Italy (AMar Piemonte), Torino
  2. 2ANMAR Italy, Rome, Italy


Background In Italy 45.45% of patients have completly confidence in Rheumatologists and 68.67% undergo a Rheumatological inspection, because Rheumatologist “erase the desease” (26.83%) and “always discuss with me about new theraputic strategies” (31.71%). All players have to know a new approach to desease treatment and an appropriate communication is the most important instrument to overall obstacles and give patients awardness, visibility and empowerment.

ANMAR (Italian National Association of Patients with Rheumatic Deseases) in 2013 published a booklet - made for patients and their families, ditributed in all italian Rheumatologic centers and on the ANMAR official website ( and in websites of all italian associations federated with ANMAR – to introduce Treat to Target approach.

Objectives To give information about Rheumatic deseases not only to patients, but to all who are involved and to inform them about the possibility they will be treated according the new therapeutic approach, using languages and expressive forms such simple as all people in all ages can understand them, because “ageing starts wen we born”.

Methods Reaching preset goals, we used both the conventional hard copy way – that was wildly distributed and which can become part of your own library and consulted when you need it – and the web, where the booklet was published in PDF and was integrated with short movies, available on linked You Tube sites.

To reach an intuitive and easy understanding, messages and informations are not supplied in photos, schemes or diagrams, but in sketches and comic strips, surely pleasing the younger people too. The selected language was not the scientific one and as it was sometimes unaivoidable to use official therms, we prepare a vocabulary to explain them.

Results The booklet – 21 pages – was organized to treat all new therapeutic strategy aspects; we gave no unproductive information about epidemiology and ethiology of the rheumatic deseases, but we gave only suggestions about how to avoid that pathologies cause loss of normal every day activities (in work or leasure).

Each one of the 10 T2T points was singularly analized and – as it was necessary – warnings or answers to ask to phisicians (to verify they were according to T2T) were insert in.

We wrote a glossary to explain all the techinical words we used, with reference to the page in which they were used.

Some pages in the end of the booklet were put just to be a diary to verify if goals were reached or not and to use as a personal block notes.

5 short comic strips were performed (average long lasting 2 minutes) about: RA and inadequate treatment; therapy is important; participating medicine; how to take drugs; drugs side effects.

Conclusions 100.000 copies have been printed and during 2013 the booklet was sold out: now a new print is commissioned. At the time we are studing how to verify the booklet impact on the T2T adherence.

Cartoons were seen by about 500 contacts during 2013, with a great success. It's now starting a study with the development of a specific questionnaire to evaluate their utility reaching preset goals.

References ANMAR internal data.

Disclosure of Interest None declared

DOI 10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-eular.4031

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